Walk, Jog, or Run everyday this December
Walk, Jog, or Run everyday this December

Story of the Daily Dash

The December Daily Dash was founded in 2015 by Jackie and Mark Smith after Jackie lost her Dad to cancer, just 18 months after losing her Mum to the same illness.

Inspired by the care he received from Sue Ryder, they decided to set themselves a challenge to run, walk or jog every day in December.

Initially joined by 11 friends (and Chester the dog!), the December Daily Dash grew in popularity over the following years to raise more than £600,000 for Sue Ryder's palliative and bereavement support. Since that first year, over 3,500 people have taken up the challenge alongside them.

The Daily Dash is all about choice and accessibility – you can take part in the Dash wherever, whenever and however you want, and at a pace that suits you. That’s why so many people lace up their trainers and walking shoes in December each year and help raise vital funds to help ensure no one needs to face death or grief alone.

All the way through, Dashers are supported and inspired by an active virtual community, posting pictures and inventing new ways to motivate themselves through 31 days of activity.

Image of couple taking part in dash

Daily Dashers tell Jackie and Mark that they keep coming back for all kinds of reasons – a connection to Sue Ryder, improving their own well being, being part of a vibrant online community, or just staying healthy over the festive period.

Join us for this year's December Daily Dash kick off your fundraising right now!

Image of Jackie's Parents